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We have 28 horses here at Provo Ponies at the moment. The majority come from Grand Turk but we also have a few from South Caicos, Dominican Republic and some that were born in the USA.

Most of our horses are rescued in some way, most likely people get horses without understanding fully how expensive it is to keep a horse healthy here so we try to help them when we can and give them a healthier life. We are not blessed with big fields here so all the hay and grain need to be imported. 


We do all the trimming of their hoofs since there is no farrier on island. We also have no horse veterinarian here in Turks & Caicos which can make things interesting from time to time.




A Belgian Draft, born in 2003. He's a massive 18h of pure love. He was abandoned in Grand Turk and left to fend for himself for 2 years. He was about 600 pounds underweight when we finally convinced the owner to sell him to us in September 2010. He absolutely loves the ocean and the beach. He used to be a carriage horse over in Grand Turk, but he's turned out to be a complete gentleman under saddle, a little frisky back in the day, but always very good-natured.



A Quarter horse/Arab/Belgian (we think). He came to us at the same time as Thor and Clyde. Born in 2006. He started out quite fearful and untrusting. After working with him and building trust, he's turned into quite the level headed dude. Very calm, easy going and passive. He can be a little on the lazy side, but loves taking his riders out for swims in the deepest water he can find. A run on the beach is always fun on Max for an advanced rider, but he's better suited for those who are happier at a quieter pace....that is more his speed.



A 13.1 hand Grand Turk Pony rescued as a 2 year old out of the Grand Turk Horse Pound in 2005 by his first Mommy, Carole. Carole gave him to Provo Ponies in October, 2012. He was quick to learn and adjust to his new gig. He LOVES the water and the beach and is one of our hardest working ponies now. He's even turned into a great pony for our students to learn to ride on. He's just an all around great little steed, perfect for for beginners to advanced level riders.



A Grand Turk Pony born in 2012. Provo Ponies bought him in 2014 after his owner decided he was a bit rambunctious to keep in his back yard. After some training this little man has become quite the trail pony. He's small, under 13 hands, so ideal for small adults and children. Jammin's favorite thing to do is swim. Most rides, especially on the calmer days he heads out into the deeper water to swim alongside the draft horses while they wade in the water. Lately, Jammin has become great at looking after kids on the long as they can kep him out of the bushes. This pony loves to snack!!



A Grand Turk Pony born in 2010. Provo Ponies bought him in 2012 after his owner decided he was a bit rambunctious to keep in his back yard. After some training this little man has become quite the trail pony. He's small, under 13 hands, so ideal for small adults and children. Jammin's favorite thing to do is swim. Most rides, especially on the calmer days he heads out into the deeper water to swim alongside the draft horses while they wade in the water. Lately, Jammin has become great at looking after kids on the long as they can keep him out of the bushes. This pony loves to snack!!



Roxy arrived from Grand Turk in mid 2021 along with two other horses. She was pregnant at that time and in the end of November 2021 she gave birth to a beautiful and perfect little baby boy named Calypso. She was previously working at Chukka Adventures in Grand Turk but with the pandemic the company was left with no other choice but to shut down.

Roxy is now part of the trail riding program, and takes riders of all levels to the beach. She is very friendly and a wonderful mother.



A wonderful mare, born in 2001. We had her mother, Ruby and her sister, Tuesday as well. She inherited her mothers height and stands at about 14.1 hands. Mango is a vibrant energetic pony who has taken her mothers place as alpha female when Ruby passed away. Mango is a very confident mare, she doesn't spook easily, loves to run when given the chance and really enjoys the water. She likes her personal space as most mares do and she's fearless and very calm. A great ride for adults and kids from beginner to advanced level.



Originally from South Caicos. She is 13.2hh, born in 2006. She's a perky, sassy little mare full of character!!! She used to be a great little trail horse and loved the ocean but made a career change and turned into a great lesson pony which suites her skinny legs better. She has a very comfy trot and her canter is lovely. Her legs move a mile a minute, but she doesn't seem to go anywhere which makes her look very fancy! 



A handsome dark bay with no white markings. He is a Grand Turk Pony born around 2000. He is only 13.2 hands, but is built like a tank. He likes to take it easy on his way to the beach and see how much nibbling he can get away with. Some days he loves to run down the beach as fast as he can, other days he just wants to wade in the water. He let us know one day that he'd prefer to be a guide horse over a guest horse so we listened to him and respected his wishes. He is now a happy  guide horse.



A force of nature!!! He is a lesson horse and an occasional guide. He is from South Caicos and was sadly separated from his mother at a very young age and never learned 'manners' from a herd as he grew up alone. We got him as a 5 year old. He'd ever been ridden and had only just been gelded. He's a lot of fun to ride if you know him and know what to watch out for (trucks, plastic bags, kites, invisible horse eating monsters, etc) He's only about 12.2 hands high, which is unfortunate because with his athleticism he probably could have been an Olympic jumper!!!!



A Grand Turk pony, he stands at 13.1 hh. He's built like a freight train but is a very careful mover. He's a little pokey, but bombproof for beginners, and a solid ride for intermediate to advanced children and adults who aren't used to 'push button ponies'. He is Sunshine's son and was born on Provo in 2002. Apache has a bit of a Napoleon complex and likes to pick on the big horses.



Shaggy arrived along with Roxy & Phoenix in July 2021 from Grand Turk. He was a young stallion back then, we believe he was born in 2018. He is the sweetest boy with loads of personality, a funny guy so to speak. He is Calypso's mentor and a great teacher. We trust that he will become a fantastic lesson pony and trail riding horse in the near future.



She was born in the DR in 2006 and came to Provo Ponies in May 2015. She had been broken in with brutal methods so when she arrived at ours she was terrified and it took a good two years for us to regain her trust fully by slowly retraining her. Now she's one of our best horses and she is happy to take all kinds of ages and riding level riders. Rosalie is part Andalusian and is a very comfortable ride. The only thing she doesn't like is a tight rein.



A mixed breed from the Dominican Republic, about 14.2 hands. He came to Provo Ponies in May 2015. He was very skeptical at first.....not very trusting of his new human companions, but he warmed up quickly and is now a fantastic trail horse. He is a nice forward ride, but doesn't like to be out in front leading. He loves to run down the beach and take his rider out swimming. He loves to snack and makes lots of noises in the ocean, he almost sounds like a purring cat.



An absolute hoot! She is Paso Fino mix from the DR. Born in 2009, she's 14 hands high and is a lovely little mover. She only arrived at Provo Ponies in May 2015. She is obsessed with snacking and not thrilled about loud and big vehicles, so she is only a guide horse. She is one of the friendliest pony's you'll ever meet though and practically jumps into your lap if you let her. She is the clown of the herd and she makes us laugh a lot.



A mixed breed from the Dominican Republic. He came to Provo Ponies in 2015. Born in 2005, Provo Ponies purchased Chino out of a back alley in the DR, skinny, scared and full of saddle sores. He quickly rehabilitated and enjoys his new job taking people for rides on the beach. He loves the water and some days stomps his hooves in delight upon entering the ocean. He likes to be up front of the ride. Chino is a great ride for adults and children alike. 



A little fire cracker from South Caicos, she belonged to another stable on island that had to close down after hurricane Irma. Brugal was born 2010, she stands just about 12.1 hands tall but her ego is a lot bigger and has no issues telling the big boys how it is at any given time. She is a lovely ride and adores the water, she is also quite a jumper for the lesson program. Has plenty personality and will give intermediate to advanced riders a great time in the water and on the beach.



Enzo is Brugal's son, we got him at the same time we got Brugal from the other stable on island. Enzo is a lot bigger than his mommy and most likely has Paso Fino in him. He was born 2014 on Provo, he is quite a character and is still in training, he rides fine with us but is far away from being a guest horse, he will have to put his big boy pants on first.

Every day is a new day for Enzo but we love him dearly anyways.



This little guy is a Grand Turk pony that belonged to a local taxi driver whom had a hard time keeping him so he sold Shiloh to us. He was born late 2016 and started his training only in 2020 due his size. Now he is the circus monkey of the stable.

He insists on learning everything on the ground with no equipment, completely in liberty. 

He's an extremely quick learner and loves to show off and please you. Great in the saddle, he will be an awesome lesson pony and beach ride once he grows up.



This young mare is Shilo's half sister, she was born late 2017, she has plenty of personality, she's playful and smart, learns with the speed of light. Classic mare sassiness in her but in a cute way.

We've had her since 2018 and she made herself at home right away. We are so happy she's part of our herd.



This little guy came from another stable on the island in 2022, we are guessing he was born around 2012. He looks like a barbie horse and is great for light weight riders and kids. He loves the ocean and he is definitely trying his best to grab a snack to and from the beach. We are very happy he ended up at our stable, he's such an adorable pony in both character and beauty.



A Grand Turk pony with lots of attitude and self-esteem. We've had him for a long time now and he used to be a great beach ride pony but one day he decided he was going to jump a big gate and hurt a ligament so after a long time of rest and rehab he now only takes little kids to the beach a couple of times per week to not stress him too much. He loves the water and enjoys splashing the water with his face. He is great at flat work as a lesson pony with the little kids.

He has lots of personality and loves to sneak a cookie whenever he has a chance.



This lovely little guy was born in the Dominican Republic in 2016. He belonged to another stable on the island and he arrived at ours in 2022. Buddy is such a great ride, comfortable and forward, great on the trails and in the arena doing flat work. He is always up for a snuggle whenever he gets a chance. A very sweet boy



Why he's named Floppy is pretty obvious...we have been told that he was born with that one ear hanging instead of being upright. He too belonged to another stable on the island and was working as a trail horse already. He adapted very quickly to his new working place and takes riders of all levels out. He is a very social and chill gentleman and loves to put his nose very close to the other horses. We are very pleased that he moved in with us to join the team.



Another pony from the Dominican Republic, Primo came from another stable on the island in 2022 along with Buddy, Floppy, Nickel and Butter. He is a great ride but still a bit unsure on the ground so for now he is a guide horse but will be part of the guest horse program soon. We believe he was born on 2012. Primo is very sweet but also playful with the other horses and made new friends quickly.



This handsome gentleman too, came from another stable on the island. He is a very curious and playful guy, loves to do groundwork.

We can't wait to have him on the rides with us, but first we will have some more training done.


Monday - Friday 8:30-12:30 and 2:30-6:30​

Saturday: Reserved for local children lesson program

(Private rides on Saturdays by special request only)

Sunday: Closed


Call: +1 (649) 241 6350


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